Be real, not perfect.

September 22, 2014

I've decided to spend less time on social media and technology to give myself some space to sort through some stuff that has been coming up for me. I think my life is great. And the reason it's so great is because I am so rich in relationships that empower me and the Lord has been moving my heart and mind. I have been growing tremendously, and something that has been on my mind is the idea of "perfection." One thing that kind of annoys me is when people make comments like- "she's so perfect",  "you have such a perfect family", "you live such a perfect life". Let's stop there. We are so far from perfect… I am so far from perfect. Let me just start off this blog post with this- I can spend hours or even days on a post, always looking for errors and sometimes I'm afraid that I might come off too strong, dumb, or even "perfect."

But because I believe in my heart that to truly connect with people, I need to show all of who I am. If I only appear to be perfect- who will connect with me then? People will not feel welcomed. People connect when you are fully honest. 

I was thinking. All my blog posts are honest and my thoughts are my own. But I feel like I've posted things that could give the impression that "I have it all together."

So, hang tight.

What you see on my Instagram, Twitter or Facebook are not fully me. It's just tiny bits and pieces of my life. I'm not the type of person to post emotional status' or posts about the hard things going on in my life on social media. But, all of those things you do see are my highlights. Don't you see why we struggle so much with insecurities? Because we are comparing ourselves to other peoples {picture} perfect lives. I love posting artsy pictures and clever status' because thats my style, but that shouldn't define me. I have daily struggles, worries and insecurities. I never ever want to come off as perfect. That makes me uncomfortable.

Now, we can all admit we "follow" someone who we think lives a perfect life. And we try to compare our lives to them, and try to become similar. But let me tell you something, coming off as perfect is draining. This is what I know to be true, my insecurities bring me insight and my struggles bring me strength. I need to choose to get back up again, to apologize and forgive myself in the same sentence and try again. This is what makes me real. And my realness brings me clarity. We are so good at convincing ourselves that everything is okay and that we have it all together. Why do we do that?!? Ugh. 

- I'm guilty of just sitting, thinking that I am unworthy or not good enough. But the Lord reminds me that I am loved. I am set free. All my imperfections, thoughts, and mess ups are already forgiven and He loves me just the same. He loves every single person living on this earth. And every single person has a a story, an insecurity and has struggles. Let's all be honest with each other. Be approachable. There's this quote I love, and it says "when you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through." 

So… hey, my name is Regan. I promise to get up tomorrow and make breakfast, have quiet time, listen to music, go to class, workout, work on my film project, call a friend, and get out of the house. I promise to love others well. I promise to show up in the world. But I don't promise to be perfect.

I think I live a perfectly imperfect life. It's all a journey. I'm just learning, observing, trusting, healing, feeling, crying, laughing, writing, sharing, growing and opening. 
I'm getting it. I'm revelling in my realness.

You were born to be real, not perfect. 

Have a great week!


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